We see our key target to balance commodity markets and supply any commodity to any destination where people need it


Any commodity should be smoothly delivered to proper destination at optimal cost


Toleran s a private company, created to facilitate commodities trading across the Europe.

We supply oil products, natural gas, LNG and electric power across European countries and markets.


Toleran is currently active in the following business segments

Supply of motor fuels across the Europe from Baltic terminals by road trucks
Supply of motor fuels to our customers from Black Sea and Danube terminals by railway
Regular supply of gas condensate and petrochemical naphtha to European consumers for further processing


If your company is involved in production, trading and/or consumption of the following products, please contact Toleran and we will offer you several cooperation options for mutual satisfaction.

Motor Fuels
  • Gasoline
  • Diesel
  • LPG

Toleran can offer it’s clients and partners the following options

Motor fuels delivery by road trucks fleet, operated by our reliable partners
Railway delivery of any oil product from Baltic/Romanian/Moldavian ports/terminals to our customers and in reverse direction
Sea vessels shipment of fuels
Terminal services in several petroleum and LPG terminals on Baltic and Black Sea (operated by us or in cooperation with local partners)


ince its incorporation Toleran has successfully executed a number of challenging commodity supply projects and services in various geographic locations

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